Milwaukee 48-76-5125 Milwaukee 48-76-5125 model 25' Quik-Lok Cord (2-Wire)

Milwaukee 48-76-5125 model 25' Quik-Lok Cord (2-Wire)

SKU: 165039
$ 45 .65 / ea
$ 57 .75 / ea
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factory Orders from the Manufacturer
Product: Power Tools
Manufacturer: Milwaukee Electric Tool
Mpn # 48-76-5125
Shipping Dimensions 6.5" x 10.0" x 2.0"
Weight 2.10 lbs.

About the Milwaukee 48-76-5125 model 25' Quik-Lok Cord (2-Wire)

The Milwaukee 48-76-5125 model 25' Quik-Lok Cord (2-Wire) is a part of the Quik-Lok Series. This replacement cord is a 2-wire grounded cord for fast field replacement for a damaged cord. It's made of premium grade Hi-Flex wire, and is fastly removed and attached to Milwaukee tools with the Quik-Lok cord feature. It gives you a 1-15P NEMA type plug.

  • Use only Milwaukee specified replacement parts to achieve maximum life and performance from your Milwaukee tool

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