The Wheeler Rex 606520 2" to 6" Roller Set for the 7700, 7701, 7702 and 7703 Hydraulic Roll Grooving Machines This Hydraulic Roll Grooving Roller Set has the ability to produce grooves when used in the appropriate Hydraulic Roll Grooving Machine that are "factory", so precise, professional, and less labor intensive than other manual roll groovers. The 606520 2" to 6" Roller Set works with the Wheeler Rex 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703 Hydraulic Roll Grooving Machines with Manual Pump or the Electric Power Pump uses the unique features of its design like the horizontal self-centering head, the indicator light that signals the operator when the machine has finished with the current pipe groove.
Manufacturer: | Rex Wheeler |
Trade Tool Type: | Plumbing |
Mpn # | 606520 |
Weight | 1.00 lbs. |