Get a Free Professional Sprinkler Design

For homeowners interested in installing a sprinkler system or overhauling an existing one, is offering a unique and free service for anyone at no obligation.

Our irrigation professionals are offering free sprinkler designs here online at our Sprinkler Design Center. All you have to do is submit some information about:

  • Your lawn’s dimensions
  • A rough sketch of the shape of it
  • Your contact information

One of our industry experts will then draw a sprinkler layout design for you, free of cost. It will ensure full coverage of your lawn so you end up with the green grass that you desire.

In addition to all that, you will be presented a spec sheet that tells you all the parts you need for your system. You can choose to conveniently complete the purchase here at PlumbersStock, or you can use it as your own personal shopping list to take elsewhere. Just keep in mind our prices are competitive and we are offering delivery directly to your home address.

If you need instruction on best practices for completing the installation, you can contact us for that as well. If you already know what you need, then you can get it cheap here out our Lawn & Garden store.

For your convenience, here is an infographic about how to complete your submission. Complete the submission at the Sprinkler Design Center.
free sprinkler design infograph

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