Elkay LK4420SFRK Elkay LK4420SFRK n Outdoor Tubular Steel Fountain

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Elkay LK4420SFRK n Outdoor Tubular Steel Fountain

SKU: 74716
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$ 5069 .23 / ea
$ 7753 .00 / ea
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Style: Two Fountain
Manufacturer: Elkay
Product: Water Fountain
Use: Commercial
Mpn # LK4420SFRK
Weight 186.00 lbs.

About the Elkay LK4420SFRK n Outdoor Tubular Steel Fountain

Elkay's LK4420SFRK is an Outdoor Tubular Steel Fountain. This pedistal fountain is designed with an E-Coat immersion finish that gives you year-round beauty with minimum maintenance. It comes with the vandal-resistant bubbler, a push-button actuation mechanism, a sanitary freeze-resistant valve system, an automatic stream height regulator, an inlet strainer, and an access panel.

** Due to the Considerable weight and size of this product combined with fluctuating shipping rates, the online calculations for shipping costs may be inflated. It is recommended that customers call our support staff to find the current shipping rates before purchase.

  • Type
  • Freeze-resistant valve designed for ground installation 18" below the frost line. 60" of access tubing provided with the freeze-resistant valve system. The length of the tubing can be reduced in the field for lesser frost depths
  • Bubbler

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