Milwaukee 49-22-6042 Milwaukee 49-22-6042 Red Rack Flat Boring Bit Merchandiser

Milwaukee 49-22-6042 Red Rack Flat Boring Bit Merchandiser

SKU: 166502
$ 189 .21 / ea
$ 352 .20 / ea
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Product Details

Manufacturer: Milwaukee Electric Tool
Color: Red
Mpn # 49-22-6042
Weight 1.00 lbs.

About the Milwaukee 49-22-6042 Red Rack Flat Boring Bit Merchandiser

Savings available on the Milwaukee 49-22-6042 Red Rack Flat Boring Bit Merchandiser here online at PlumbersStock. This merchandiser includes flat boring bits that can give extra reach needed without extensions. It eliminates the hassle and allows you to save time. The double wing spurs reduce vibration, prevent breakout, and facilitate easy hole formation. Milwaukee is a reputable hardware solutions brand and we are so proud to carry their products.

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