Pfister 971-0590 PFister 971-0590  Replacement Stem Extension

PFister 971-0590 Replacement Stem Extension

SKU: 382451
$ 5 .17 / ea
$ 6 .00 / ea
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factory Orders from the Manufacturer
Manufacturer: Pfister
Product: Extension Kit
Mpn # 971-0590
Weight 0.15 lbs.

About the PFister 971-0590 Replacement Stem Extension

PFister 971-0590 Replacement Stem Extension. Pfister takes pride in every single piece, part, and product they develop. Helping them maintain a their reputation and credibility. They take that same pride in creating replacement parts to perform the way they were originally intended too. Rather its for their faucets, showers, or bidets, you can rely on its quality to perform and last. The Pfister 971-0590 Is a Genuine Replacement Stem Extension for Pfister Kenzo In-wall Diverter Trim. This individual Replacement Part does not have a certain finish.

  • Replacement Stem Extension
  • Kenzo In-wall Diverter Trim
  • Pfister Original Replacement Part

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