AY McDonald  4' Curb Box 1

4' Curb Box 1" Tapped Bottom with Rod

SKU: 7768
Manufacturer Image
$ 55 .08 / ea
$ 92 .03 / ea
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Manufacturer: AY McDonald
Product: Boxes and Covers
Material: Cast Iron & Stainless Steel
Length: 4'
Shipping Dimensions 48.0" x 4.0" x 4.0"
Weight 25.00 lbs.

The AY Mcdonald 4511182 curb box is used for controlling the water supply from the main source into the building and allows valve access for easy operation. In addition to that, it has a length of 4’ with 1” tapped bottom with rod

Fulfilling what the customer needs while providing high-rated products everyone deserves is what we after here at PlumbersStock. So, grab this opportunity and purchase this 4' curb box with 1" tapped bottom at an affordable price! Also check out the other products that we offer if you have spare time.

  • 4' Length
  • 1" Tapped bottom with rod
  • Allows valve access for easy operation

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