Rainbird BT25/10PK Rainbird BT25/10PK Barbed Tee (A50700F)

Rainbird BT25/10PK Barbed Tee (A50700F)

SKU: 163238
$ 6 .38 / ea
$ 6 .77 / ea
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factory Orders from the Manufacturer
Manufacturer: Rainbird
Use: Drip
Connection Type: Barbed
Mpn # BT25/10PK
Weight 1.00 lbs.

About the Rainbird BT25/10PK Barbed Tee (A50700F)

Rainbird BT25/10PK Barbed Tee. The Rain Bird A50700F is a package of 10 BT25 1/4" Barbed Tees for use with your drip irrigation system. They are non-threaded and barbed, and are designed to connect hoses.

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