Commodity  Galvanized Black Pipe 1-1/2

Galvanized Black Pipe 1-1/2" Elbow

SKU: 56432
$ 17 .60 / ea
$ 21 .12 / ea
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Material: Galvanized
Weight 1.00 lbs.

Galvanized Black Pipe 1-1/2" Elbow. Galvanized Black Pipe, due to its black oxide scale surface finish, is ideal for the use with natural and propane gas lines applications. For example it will be used to run a line from the meter to inside the house, and inside the house to the appliances. This form of pipe is what's typically used for those applications. Also This Pipe is generally used in commercial grade fire sprinkler systems (Water Application). This versatile pipe is heat resistance, and water damage resistant. Like the pipe, the high quality fittings are designed to connect, adapt, and function in the same applications as the pipe. The Galvanized Black Pipe 1-1/2" Elbow features two sets of female threads designed to get your gas/oil or water line in the correct location for increased performance. The smaller 1/8"-2" fittings are typically used on oil and gas applications.

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