Milwaukee 48-62-1906 Milwaukee 48-62-1906 Replacement Blade - 1.5MM

Milwaukee 48-62-1906 Replacement Blade - 1.5MM

SKU: 547231
$ 43 .37 / ea
$ 69 .90 / ea
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Product Details

Manufacturer: Milwaukee Electric Tool
Product: Blade
Material: Steel
Size: 1.5
Mpn # 48-62-1906
Weight 0.71 lbs.

About the Milwaukee 48-62-1906 Replacement Blade - 1.5MM

The Milwaukee 48-62-1906 is a 1.5mm replacement blade designed for use with the Milwaukee 48-62-4096 floor scraper. It features a width of 6" and constructed with steel, this blade provides longer life and increased productivity during general demolition applications.

Since 1924, Milwaukee is dedicated to developing new-to-world innovations, powering the most versatile and the most durable tools on the job site. They are focused on improving productivity for professionals in the trades, offering an unwavering commitment while focusing on providing trade-specific solutions that fully deliver maximum portability and productivity for the professional user.

  • Replacement Blade 1.5Mm
  • The product is easy to use and easy to handle
  • The product is highly durable

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