Commodity  Naco PVC 2916-1201 12

Naco PVC 2916-1201 12" Elbow

SKU: 29974
$ 138 .26 / ea
$ 450 .00 / ea
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Manufacturer: Naco
Shipping Dimensions 23.0" x 23.0" x 13.0"
Weight 19.00 lbs.
Shipping Dimensional Weight 38.99 lbs.

Naco PVC 2916-1201 12" Elbow. Naco is the industries leader in manufacturing PVC pipe, fittings and valves. PVC Pipe is designed for both above and below ground DWV (Drain, Waste, Vent) Applications. Pvc is generally used for both commercial and residential plumbing construction. Naco covers your PVC needs in every industry from agriculture to drainage systems. This Naco PVC 2916-1201 12" Elbow is designed to move the move pipe around objects and create turns in the lines.

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