Pro Products 2666-PA Pro Products Rid O-Rust 5 Gallon 2000 Hard Water Liquid Concentrate - 2666–PA

Pro Products Rid O-Rust 5 Gallon 2000 Hard Water Liquid Concentrate - 2666–PA

SKU: 242987
$ 58 .70 / ea
$ 226 .96 / ea
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Product Details

Manufacturer: Fertile Earth
Mpn # 2666-PA
Weight 45.00 lbs.

About the Pro Products Rid O-Rust 5 Gallon 2000 Hard Water Liquid Concentrate - 2666–PA

The 5 gallon of Rid O Rust liquid concentrate is an inventive and creative stain remover to soften the well water that has a high hardness grade due to too much iron in the water. This tends to happen in animal feeders and feed tanks, the best solution is to stop this from happening to attack it at the foundation and pour the solution in the well water. Pro Products LLC., was established in 1995 and provides reliable, high quality, cost effective solutions for various water professional's needs. The water treatment specialists at Pro Products offer a wide range of solutions that focus on rectifying problems, testing, cleaning stains, and maintaining the performance of water quality equipment.

  • Formula #2000 is most effective at preventing rust stains for well water with hardness greater than 15 GPG.?
  • One gallon of Formula 2000 will treat 125,000 gallons of well water with 1ppm iron.
  • For irrigation applications only.
  • 5 gallon

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