Brizo RP62601PN Brizo RP62601PN Virage Polished Nickel Slide Bar Assembly

Brizo RP62601PN Virage Polished Nickel Slide Bar Assembly

SKU: 86290
$ 174 .58 / ea
$ 360 .00 / ea
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Product: Bathroom Part & Accessories
Manufacturer: Brizo
Style: Slide Bar
Product Collection: Virage
Room: Bathroom
Mpn # RP62601PN
Weight 3.80 lbs.

About the Brizo RP62601PN Virage Polished Nickel Slide Bar Assembly

The Brizo RP62601PN is a Slide Bar Assembly From Brizo's Virage Design Suite With Elegant Lines Twisted For A Hand Crafted Style and comes in a Polished Nickel Finish.

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