Irritrol RME36SE-B Irritrol's RME36SE-B 36-Station Controller

Irritrol's RME36SE-B 36-Station Controller

SKU: 190615
$ 1557 .69 / ea
$ 2700 .00 / ea
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Manufacturer: Irritrol
Style: Lawn Sprinkler
Mpn # RME36SE-B
Weight 4.00 lbs.

About the Irritrol's RME36SE-B 36-Station Controller

Irritrol's RME36SE-B 36-Station Controller comes from the Rain Master Series. This controller comes with a 36-station capacity, and an expanded 18-gauge Jet Coat cold rolled-steel cabinet. Irritrol has made their name as a brand by selling and marketing exclusively to the professional installer, as a result their products are geared to be dependable and durable. Irrirtrol is now making their products available to you through our website. If you are looking for a product line that will last year in and year out, Irritrol is the brand for you.

  • 36 station capacity
  • 18-gauge Jet Coat cold rolled-steel cabinet

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