Ridgid 35590 Ridgid 35590 Model 25 Screw and Pipe Extractor Set 1/4

Ridgid 35590 Model 25 Screw and Pipe Extractor Set 1/4" - 1"

SKU: 97008
$ 573 .29 / ea
$ 685 .90 / ea
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Manufacturer: Ridgid
Mpn # 35590
Weight 9.29 lbs.

About the Ridgid 35590 Model 25 Screw and Pipe Extractor Set 1/4" - 1"

Ridgid 35590 Model 25 is a screw and pipe extractor set 1/4" - 1". This set contains one each of screw extractors no. 1 to 8 inclusive (No. 1 to 5 extractors with turnouts) drill no. 1 to 8 inclusive and one no. 36 and complete set of drill guides and bushings. Maximum depth extractor range 1-Inch to 3-Inches. Pipe extractors no. 80 to 85 also included. These precision tools are packed in a fitted compartment box.

  • This item is 35590 EXTRACTOR, SET 25
  • This product is used for spark-free-tool-sets
  • This product manufacture by United States
  • Model 25
  • Screw Capacity range: 1/4-Inch to 1-Inch
  • Pipe capacity range: 1/8-Inch to 1-Inch
  • Contains extractors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 and Drills 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 36
  • Ridgid covers its products with a lifetime warranty against defects in material or workmanship for the life of the tool

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